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Your Home For Sustainable Individualized Weight Loss Solutions

Supporting YOU On The Path To Success

I am the leading provider of specialized and tailored health and fitness programs serving the Pewaukee, Waukesha, and Brookfield communities. By delivering premium individualized health and fitness services for our varied community, I am confident that we can help men and women of all ages reach - and surpass - their fitness goals. Whether your aim is to establish healthy weight loss strategies, lose that stubborn body fat, improve your diet, or just feel better in your day-to-day life, I can help! Wisconsin Personal Fitness has the best rates and the best client testimonials in the entire Southeastern Wisconsin area, so if you're looking to live a healthier, more fit lifestyle, look no further!

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What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?

I have been a fitness “enthusiast” for most of my life—but menopause ushered in a whole new game that I didn’t like playing ---mainly weight gain around the middle.  All of my old tricks to trim up were not working.  I have always loved weightlifting but wanted some additional help in hopes of making a difference and moving my measurements in the right direction.

What results have you achieved since starting your program?

My measurements are moving in the right direction!!—that is-- I’m losing fat AND more importantly gaining muscle on my journey to a more sculpted body composition.

What do you like best about your program/having a trainer?

I like Ryan’s organized workouts that push me to new possibilities—he has a very positive, motivating way of getting you through challenging workouts that make a huge difference for weight loss and toning!

What would you say to someone on the fence about starting a program?

I’ve done “on-line” programs and always had my own home routines----but these things don’t even come close to what you get with a personal trainer of Ryan’s caliber.  He has taken the time and expense to obtain top-notch credentials in the field and it makes a huge difference.  Think of this as an investment in your health and happiness—Ryan knows how to assess and execute a program that is custom made for you---and that is priceless!

Personal Training Brookfield


What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?

I was at my heaviest weight after moving away from my gym and not signing up for another membership at a new gym. I got really lazy and eating was my hobby. After seeing the results Ryan had gotten with his clients I decided to try the Christmas Challenge and see where that took me. I saw phenomenal results and continued on with my training program.

What results have you achieved since starting your program?

I have lost 30 pounds since starting the program on 11/20/17. I have gained muscle and look forward to my training sessions with Ryan.

What do you like best about your program/having a trainer?  I’ve had a personal trainer before at my local gym. Machine after machine he would just go through his cookie cutter routine he did with everyone and not really putting forth much effort. I was never sore or even broke a sweat from many workouts there. He did not hold me accountable for anything and therefore saw no results. It is like night and day difference since I started with Ryan. He checks in with you daily on your eating and your body soreness. He pushes you during your workout and doesn’t let you get lazy on your form.

What would you say to someone on the fence about starting a program?

If you haven’t seen much progress with anything you’ve tried, I highly recommend seeing Ryan. He will get you results you never thought possible!

Personal Training Brookfield


What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program? I decided to make a change in July of 2017 after I had gone on vacation with friends and could barely walk up a flight of stairs without pain and shortness of breath. I originally asked my son if he’d help me get in shape, and he told me to call Ryan. I did, and have never looked back. I began with WPF on July 24, 2017.

What results have you achieved since starting your program? The weight loss of 60 pounds is really only the tip of the iceberg. I have found confidence that I never knew I had.  I am not afraid of my closet anymore – clothes are now my friend, not the enemy. As a compulsive overeater, I am gaining control over my eating, and understand why I used to eat the way I did. My body has been completely transformed, and I no longer suffer with debilitating knee pain, and I have no more shortness of breath. I am strong… inside and out!

What do you like best about your program/having a trainer? Having a trainer puts a person into your life who makes you accountable. Ryan goes above and beyond by constantly staying in touch with regard to the exercise and eating. He takes an interest in each of his clients and really gets to know them so he can help them to the best of his ability.

What would you say to someone on the fence about starting a program? Do it!!! And do not let the money be what stops you. We ALL spend money on many different things in our lives. Personal training is an investment in yourself, that pays dividends which last a lifetime! I can honestly say that I have never spent money on myself that has mattered more than this has.

Personal Training Brookfield


Darlene has lost over 100 lbs in 9 months and she feels better than she ever has, she listened and followed the instructions and good things happened. It can be the same for everyone that jumps into a program.

What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program? My creeping weight gain to the level of morbid obesity, feeling lousy, not liking what I saw in the mirror, and my fear of becoming less self-sufficient. A good friend, who is an avid exerciser and has had a personal trainer for years, encouraged me to do the same. Her advice was to get a gym that was close to home, make sure you’re comfortable with the membership base, and get a trainer you feel you can enjoy working with. That’s why I joined Oak Creek Fitness and got Ryan Norton as my personal trainer.

What results have you achieved since starting your program? Every six months I have a full blood panel done. My doctor was elated with the positive results in every category plus the scale showed a 100lb weight loss! This was all due to my lifestyle change of exercising, eating healthy, and the “eagle eye” of my awesome trainer, who knows how to keep me on track. But, the greatest achievement is how I feel. It is wonderful feeling happy again and having that extra “spring in my step!”

What do you like best about your program/having a trainer? I look forward to each training session because it’s fun, hard, rewarding work. There isn’t a session I don’t laugh or have a good time with my trainer who is supportive, encouraging, and gets me the results I’m wanting. Plus, it is such a positive atmosphere-friendly, helpful, and everyone, staff and gym members, cheers you on.

What would you say to someone on the fence about starting a program? Don’t wait! Give it a try. I truly mean it when I say. “It’s the best money I’ve ever spent!”

Personal Training Brookfield

Darlene K.

I worked with Ryan for the past 9 months and have had a drastic change in my lifestyle. I just turned 70 and he has me feeling like I am 50 again. Prior to working with Ryan, I hated exercising and sweating, but he had me laughing and smiling almost the entire time. My friends and family are impressed with my progress and my new outlook in life. I actually enjoy going to the gym now. THANKS RYAN.

Personal Training Brookfield

Sandra Grinker

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